The 5 biggest misconceptions when it comes to using a travel advisor.
I’ve heard people ask, “Why would I need a travel advisor when I can use Google to do it myself?” or that perhaps “it sounds expensive to use a travel advisor.” Alas, today I'm here today to address the five biggest misconceptions I hear the most when it comes to trusting someone else with your trip.

An Englishman in Paris: Top 5 Highlights
Hi, my name is Chris and I'm Abbay's Escapes' first hire. I'm also Abbay's husband (which may have helped me get the job!) and guest blog writer this month. Nice to meet you!
Today I'm going to be sharing with you my top 5 highlights as an Englishman in Paris.

Is luxury travel for you? 6 things you didn’t know about luxury travel.
Luxury travel isn't what it used to be. Years ago, luxury travel was synonymous with 5-star hotels, each with a luxury cookie-cutter vibe and a Michelin-starred restaurant. While there is nothing wrong with those things, luxury travel has since evolved. These days it's less about the sheet count and boujee chandeliers and more about authentic and meaningful experiences tailored for the individual traveler…

10 Reasons to Visit the Azores
Have you heard of the Azores?
Not so long ago, this was a new-to-me destination, but the more I learned about this hidden gem, the more my curiosity grew!
So when I had the opportunity came up for me to take a trip in June, I couldn’t say no!

My top 5 in Auckland: the world’s best city to visit in 2022.
According to the publishers of the Lonely Planet, Auckland is the number one city to visit in 2022. As an Aucklander who has been locked down since August 18th, I met this news with a range of emotions. My thoughts went something like this…

How to protect your trip.
Travel is an investment of both your time and money, and it is important to know how you can protect your investment.

Where Abbay’s Escapes clients are going now.
It’s been over a year since the world shut down, and travel is picking up as more and more destinations reopen. I’m busy helping clients navigate each destination’s protocols so they can get back to experiencing our world. If you’re ready to travel but don’t know where to go, see a few of the top destinations where travelers are going…
My top 10 tried and true ways to travel (without leaving my house).
I am here to share the list of ways I travel without leaving my house and examples of how in my house. These are the ones that have stuck after months of practice and have kept me going.

8 simple steps for planning a honeymoon right now.
Are you overwhelmed trying to plan a honeymoon during COVID-19 amidst ever-changing travel restrictions?
I’m sharing my 8-step approach to planning the perfect honeymoon. Hopefully either you’ll learn more about how we can help take this off your plate or you’ll walk away with some helpful tips!

A secret to traveling well.
While there are many ways to travel well, I’m focusing on one today that most people, especially millennials, don’t know about. Ready for it? The secret lies in a network called Virtuoso. You may have seen the logo on my website, a post about it on social media, or maybe you’ve seen it pop up in publications like Forbes or the New York Times. So WHAT is Virtuoso and WHY does it matter?