10 Reasons to Visit the Azores

Have you heard of the Azores?

Not so long ago, this was a new-to-me destination, but the more I learned about this hidden gem, the more my curiosity grew!

I had heard it called “the Hawaii of Europe” or sharing strong similarities with the likes of Iceland or New Zealand. To me, this combination sounded like a haven for those who love nature and adventure mixed with a bit of Europe.

So when I had the opportunity came up for me to take a trip in June, I couldn’t say no!

Now, I’m thrilled to share more about my trip to the Azores, a dramatic archipelago of nine volcanic islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. If you're seeking a unique travel adventure, here are ten compelling reasons why the Azores should be at the top of your bucket list.

#1. Spectacular Natural Landscapes

Prepare to be awe-inspired by breathtaking volcanic landscapes. My shortlist is as follows:

  • Lagoa das Sete Cidades, a magnificent crater lake with hues of green and blue

  • Capelinhos Volcano: the site of the Azores’ most recent volcanic eruption

  • Algar do Carvão, a volcanic vent on Terceira island (one of the deepest in the world!).

#2. Discover Hiking Trails

The Azores are a hikers' paradise! Between guided, and unguided, experience levels, and views, we can complete your itinerary with the best hike for you and your fellow travelers.

#3. Wine

I recommend adding a visit to Pico (one of the nine islands) to any wine lovers’ itinerary. Pico not only boasts award-winning wine, but it also boasts breathtaking vineyard landscapes, often with panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean. Here the vineyards are carefully planted amongst man-made labyrinths and walls using lava rocks - the lush vines and the dark rocks against the backdrop create a unique and stunning landscape.

#4. Food

I was thoroughly impressed. One of my favorite meals was in Faial, where I cooked my own food (mostly seafood) on a hot stone at the table, and my favorite Azorean food was grilled limpets, similar to a small clam (as shown in the picture).

#5. Whale Watching

Here you can embark on a zodiak for some time on the water. Unfortunately, we didn’t spot any whales during my trip, but we saw plenty of playful dolphins. In my opinion, it’s still 100% worth it as the zodiak is an adventure in itself (with incredible views of the coastline).

#6. Adventure

  • Diving: The best dive site in the Azores is Princess Alice Bank - come here to experience once in a lifetime dives with manta rays or blue sharks, depending on the season.

  • Canyoning: If you like adventure, I highly recommend canyoning here. One of my favorite experiences was rappelling down breathtaking waterfalls - there are varying experiences (and heights) depending on your comfort zone and experience level.

  • Go for a surf: Rent a board or we can arrange a private lesson for you. This is best done on the north coast of Sao Miguel, near one of my favorite hotels visited, Santa Barbara Eco Resort.

#7. Find hidden rock pools

Or we can tell you exactly where the best ones are! These are perfect for a dip on a warm sunny day!

#8. Experience Geothermal Wonders

The Azores is a geothermal wonderland, and the best place to experience this is Furnas in Saw Miguel. Relaxing in natural hot springs and witnessing fumaroles is an otherworldly encounter!

#9. Embrace the Local Culture

The Azorean culture captivated me with its charm and warmth. This is a place that still feels off the beaten path, and locals are pleased to see you. Don’t be surprised if locals strike up a conversation with you.

#10. Direct Flights

From the USA are QUICK. From Boston, the flight is about 5 hours, and from JFK, it’s about 5h 45m. There are also plenty of short flights from mainland Portugal and other gateways in Europe, i.e., London, Paris, Barcelona, and Amsterdam.


The Azores is perfect for nature lovers looking for a destination that is still off the beaten path. With 9 islands, many experiences to choose from, and different types of accommodation, we can help distil all of the information that is out there and tailor the perfect trip for YOU.

Abbay's Escapes is a boutique travel advisory company. As an independent affiliate of Brownell Travel (the oldest travel agency in the USA), we have preferred relationships with the industry's best hotels, resorts, and tour operators across the globe. This means expert intel, VIP status, extra perks, and upgrades for you, our client.


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