My top 10 tried and true ways to travel (without leaving my house).

Hi (from my house with my favorite coffee mug)!

Hi (from my house with my favorite coffee mug)!

Do y’all remember all the virtual travel we did in March and April this year when the entire world was in quarantine? It kept me entertained for a bit until I ended up with virtual travel fatigue from all of the ways I could see the world online…

So I’m not here to share a long list of ways to see the world virtually (because I’m sure you can find hundreds of ways online without my help).

However, I am here to share the list of ways I travel without leaving my house and examples of how in my house. These are the ones that have stuck‘ after months of practice and have kept me going.

1.     Shop ‘international’ from your favorite small business.

How do I do it? This is going to blow your mind, but New Zealand junk food and American junk food are not the same. Luckily for me, I have a local ‘American’ shop near me where I can pay for a 500% mark-up for imported American Cheetos and then savor every last one. I get to eat Cheetos and also support my local shop. It’s a win-win.

How should you do it? Wine is a great one. Have you ever fallen in love with a winery while you’re traveling? Support your local wine shop by buying wine from one of your favorite travel experiences. Then zoom in your pals who were there, so you can drink and reminisce together.


2.     Shop ‘local’ from across the globe (basically the opposite of #1).

During our first country-wide lockdown here in New Zealand, my fiancé and I purchased a Bialetti from Italy (an amazing brand for a quality Italian stovetop coffee maker). Since, I’ve been perfecting my espresso-making skills…playing with different beans, grinds, water temperatures, etc. Doing things the Italian-way just feels right…


3.     Cook an international dish (and make it an occasion!).

Just this week I made pasta and an Italian-inspired salad (think tomatoes, tuna, olives, cheese). An Italian wine would have been nice for pairing, but instead, I opted for sparkling water out of a wine glass. Cue the conversation about past travels in Italy and sprinkle in a few well-inserted Italian words (aka the only 2 I know), and I feel like I’ve been briefly transported to Italy!


4.     Pick up a TV show that will transport you!

Even the darker shows can pique my interest in history and places, giving me a hankering for travel. Over 2 country-wide lockdowns, my fiancé and I got through all 5 seasons of Peaky Blinders on Netflix. Even though it’s super gritty (think razor gangs and violence), I loved being transported to England every episode and getting lost in the accents and history intertwined throughout each season.

5.     Pick up a book that will transport you!

I’ve recently been into reading WWII books and finished Unbroken, a WWII biography. It was a heavy one (as most war books are), but throughout the book, I was googling all of the little Pacific islands and other places mentioned.  

It was a book that stuck with me a while, but I do recommend it if you like WWII history. It’s also on Netflix!

6.     Buy a luxurious pair of pajamas that you'll never be ashamed to travel with.

OK, I stole this one from Conde Naste’s list, but this set has been on my wishlist for a while now. This is what I’m asking for Christmas! Washable silk? Yes, please!!

Silk set from Lunya. Link is in the photo.

Silk set from Lunya. Link is in the photo.

7.     Bring the tropics to your house with some exotic plants.

I’m obsessed with my Monstera, native to Central America. Honestly, I pause and look at it with admiration daily and celebrate whenever there is a new leaf (photo: bottom right).

I also keep a variety of succulents around because low maintenance is my kind of plant. Follow me on instagram, and I’m sure you’ll catch a variety of plant content or see it in the background of my videos.


 8.     Plan a trip for a year from now!

My fiancé and I are planning our wedding in England, and I can’t tell you how much it gives us to look forward to. While we’re halfway across the world from where we normally live in NZ, you can be certain we’ll also be planning some travel on the front and back end of our wedding. 

nz maps.png

9.     Start a Google Maps list …

…filled with bookmarked restaurants, coffee shops, art galleries, museums, bookstores, and more that you dream of visiting one day.

I’ve recently learned how to create my own maps (see pictured), and it’s been a revolutionary discovery. I can plan trips for the future or keep a record of the places where I’ve been!

10.  Give the gift of travel!

Cue my shameless plug….but did you know that you can buy an Abbay’s Escapes gift certificate? It’s perfect for those friends who love to travel but might need an excuse to plan a trip. I recommend buying it for someone who is going to take you with them. Best gift ever plus a trip for you. Sounds like another win-win. Get in touch, and I can help customize the perfect gift set.

If you found this article helpful, please spread the love by sharing it with a friend or sharing it on social media. Stay safe and keep dreaming now, so we can travel later!


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